Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Darkest Time

I haven't written this blog for a while and there has been good reason. A lot of stuff has been going on and with it a lot of changes. My husband out of the blue, losing his job; my dislocation and broken ankle three days after my husbands insurance ran out and the stress that goes along with all these changes.

I wrestled whether or not to write this but thought that if I did, it might help others who have experienced and/or are experiencing the same thing.

I've had some traumatic times in my life (as most of us have), but my darkest and most difficult time was this past November 2, 2009 when my beloved husband, Fred, had a very sudden heart attack and passed away suddenly; 4 days before my birthday and 5 days before his. Healthy as a horse and full of life he was, and all of a sudden my present life changed and therefore what I thought, would be my future. We were married for a very long time (since we were kids) and my life forever will never be the same.

Those of you who know me and/or who have worked personally with me know that my belief is that your mental attitude is everything. Your thoughts create your emotions and your emotions create your reality. My biggest challenge is to take one moment at a time and stay in the present. If I let my mind wander to the future, it's too shaky and terrifying because my new future does not match the template of what once was.

We are all faced with challenges every day. Some more challenging that others. My advice to all who are going through those challenges right now is to stay connected to loved ones, reach out for help (yes...we have to learn how to receive, not just give). You may find yourself one day one of the less fortunate and have to be on the receiving end.

Here is some of the best advice I can give you all who are going through some painful challenges now: The pain comes from losing the familiar life we once new (not just the grief of that loss). *Take one moment at a time. *Try not to let your mind go towards the future, but take control over it and force it to stay in the present because tomorrow is created on how you feel today. *And for heavens sake, don't stress out about the future. Stress kills! Keep focused on where you want to go, not where you have been. Stay in gratitude and keep busy. *Find what makes you feel passion and do it daily *Have courage, develop your strengths, let go of make believe weaknesses and last but definetely not least......Please develop your faith. Things happen for reasons we cannot always understand (some day we will). Where once I had a future book that was written, now stands an open book with empty pages; but I can write on those pages what I want and create my own happiness. I decide what destiny I want. My destiny, despite everything, is happiness; and between my grief and tears, that's exactly what I intend to create!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Think of your Mind Like a Car! is a good analogy. Life is a journey. Think of your mind as a car. It goes where you aim it. It takes you where you want to go. It may get sidetracked. It may have obstacles that you manoeuvre out of the way; like balls running into the road, children, other vehicles etc. but you don't let anything get you unfocused towards your destination. That's how you should focus when you desire something in your life. Don't listen to negative people, news or anything that gets you focused on what you do NOT want. ONLY keep your mind focused on one thing only....Your desires! For your life follows your most predominate thought; whether you want it or not. If you keep tabs on what you are focused on, then you can control where your mind is going; instead of it controlling you!!! Then your desires will materialize a heck of a lot sooner! Life is a journey...Enjoy it! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Dangers of Dieting!!

It has recently come to my attention that most people really don't have a clue about free radicals and antioxidants and what the heck they do. They don't understand what the body goes through when they diet and yo yo back and forth.

Can you describe what is a free radical? Do you know the value of antioxidants and why it is imperative to eat a ton of them daily to prevent illness and disease? If you don't, I suggest you learn. What food choices do you make every day? What emotion is behind those choices?

People have been asking me to do another teleconference and I'm choosing this subject. Hey, watch the weight come off fast and understand the mind/body connection!! Stop dieting folks. Make better choices and eat less.
Knowledge is power but does nothing unless you take action!

Live long and prosper! :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

life is happening faster now!

It seems like time is getting away from us. So much to focus on every day. I remind myself to stay focused on my priorities. This year will be the best year.!! There are five subjects we all need to have in perfect order for us to be in harmony. Do an internal check for yourself. I did. Where are you 1. physically? 2. mentally/emotionally? 3. financially? 4. relational? (how is your relationship with yourself and/or others) 5. spiritually? We all know people who are doing great physcially but are financially in trouble or doing wonderfully financially but having horrible health issues. Wherever you are......start changing your belief system around it and get going. Change you first! We all deserve the best so create a better whatever. Til next time............... :)

Monday, March 23, 2009


I have to be very careful lately and not let outside influences get in the way of success. The news is always negative and some people are really hurting now. There are a lot of positive things happening as well. There is always a duality. There is always another way to look at what is happening in a different way than how we view it. Many people I hang out with are very happy. Happiness breeds more success. Not the other way around. Make a mental note.........when things get you down, force yourself to look at the good stuff so you can feel better and happier. From that present state of mind, you create tomorrow. From this you create your future.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Keeping Focused

I met so many great people at the Youngevity Tru Chocolate Convention a couple of weeks ago. So many people are understanding the bigger picture. We are the ONLY ones responsible for creating a great life. No one else. It's the willingness to change into something more. What a great opportunity now to get out of "the box" so to speak; meet different people and and take on new challenges. Our destiny is in our hands; no one else's. When you value what you have, you get more. The future is created by our feelings from the present. Must remember.....don't create the future by staying stuck in the past! I learned this the hard way. No more making it difficult. New habits die hard but be consistent. This works. It not only gets easier, but you get what you want faster. Desire, ask, expect and receive. Simple to remember, but hard to do because the only challenge we face is ourself. It gets' easier. Face the fear and do it anyway. Want more income?.....go get it! Want to lose weight?....go create it! Want better relationships?.....change yourself first! Watch what happens. It's magic!

Tru Chocolate"Youngevity" Convention

Friday, February 13, 2009

Life Gets Better

I just came back from a trip to Las Vegas. Now normally that's not my first choice for a trip, but Fred and I were going to a convention for Youngevity. What a blast we had. This year will be a phenominal one.
Listened to Suzanne Sommers. She's a great speaker and I resonated with her past and how she overcame so much. We all can learn some positive things and move forward instead of staying stuck. So many people make choices and decisions coming from their past programming, how on earth can anyone be happy then? If I could say anything to my clients and in my seminars it would teach all how to see the "bigger picture" so they can overcome their obstacles and see things differently. This way people would be willing to be happier and reach their full potential for the great life that awaits them. It's taken me years to figure this out but it is so much easier now.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why do some have it easier than others?

I ask myself this question; knowing intuitively that it only appears that way. Everyone goes through stuff and I know that obstacles are created so we can overcome them. The power of the mind is amazing and the discomfort we feel is just our reaction to the changes that we go through. If we learned to "go with the flow" more often, we wouldn't re-act so much and things definetely get easier. "When push comes to shove, we find what we're made of". Things happen so we can grow by getting out of comfort zone. The trouble is that it can be "nice and warm" in that nice little box! The faster you come out of it, the better you feel about yourself. The better you feel about yourself, life starts to change for the better. I have to remember to stop trying to make things happen and just trust that if I continue to make choices and decisions towards where I want to go, then it absolutely "must" happen. It may not happen in the time frame that I want, but it absolutely will happen.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January Resolutions

Welcome to my blog this January, 2009. Every day, month and year we have an opportunity for self growth. My intention is to enlighten everyone on just how they can create a whole new destiny; whether it be physical, financial or relational. Our purpose here on earth is to be happy; but how can we be when we keep playing old tapes and make choices and decisions from old templates from the past? Change needs to come from inside first, then it will manifest in your world.

Why is it when January rolls around people commit to something that they absolutely will not finish? January is the beginning of the year and everyone's intention is to change themselves and their lives for the better; but it takes lot of effort and work. Changes have to occur and most people don't want to leave their comfort zone and actually work at the changes they have to make. People get stuck in the familiar life they lead and unconsciously avoid the discomfort of the unknown and throw in the towel before they experience the positive results from their changes. We create or allow our own reality so whatever you want is in YOUR hands. If you want more income, go get it. If you want a better body, work at it. Make choices and decisions on where you want to go; NOT where you've been. I've made some active decisions to change my life for the better because I'm tired of the same old one. This year will be a great one for me. Will it be a great one for you?